You Got a Negative Review At Your Shop. Now What? Todd Westerlund Weighs In
Todd Westerlund is an industry vet. Over 15 years of technical experience and more than 18 years in the repair shop coaching. Todd is a believer in opening your shop seven days a week for ultimate customer service. He also shares advice on how to make your processes more efficient.
00:00 Industry Insights & Training
00:00 Industry Insights & Training
07:25 Technician's Journey: 15 Years Experience
10:46 Hands-On Training Initiative
20:16 Flexible Work Schedules Benefit All
23:15 Balancing Technician Ego and Client Needs
29:42 Problem Solving in Auto Repair
33:42 Overwhelmed by Work Demands
38:17 Investing in Employees' Future
42:25 "Streamlining Inspection Process"
47:43 "Confession About Car Brake Negligence"
56:42 "Prioritizing Morally Right Hospitality"
58:03 "Open Invitation despite Poor Reviews"
01:05:55 Welcoming Shop Tour Experience
01:12:05 Call Center Amplifies Pre-booking Revenue
01:16:06 "Shops Boost Sales with Callbacks"
01:19:14 Bones: Protection Against Slips
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