Options For Getting Started in the Automotive Industry With Michael Wright of First Call

In this episode, Michael Wright shares his experience in the automotive industry and how he started as a driver to reach where he is today. He shares how he's able to stay on top of the parts game as well as the keys to building strong relationships to ensure you get the right parts when you need them.

00:04:12 Know what you sell.
00:09:16 Stop and think before buying.
00:10:07 Support local technicians and shops.
00:15:51 Don't skimp on maintenance.
00:23:07 Access parts quickly.
00:27:02 Back up parts with service.
00:32:57 Build strong relationships.
00:37:04 Build relationships through delivery.
00:38:29 Advancement available in the industry.
00:46:59 Check everything before replacing.
00:50:01 Call a technician first.
00:56:46 Advance beyond traditional mechanics.
00:58:06 Automotive industry is evolving.

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Options For Getting Started in the Automotive Industry With Michael Wright of First Call
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