Buckaroo Bob on Transformative Automotive Training and Sponsorships
Jimmy Purdy [00:00:13]:
My name is Jimmy Purdy, shop owner, master tech transmission builder, and the host of the Gearbox podcast. Here I talk with new and seasoned shop owners as well as industry professionals about day to day operations within their own shops and all the failures and successes that come along the way, from what grinds your gears to having to shift gears in the automotive industry. This is the Gearbox podcast. They need to put a roof on this booth. So you can't get all that. It's like funnels in. It's almost louder in here than it is. It's like overwhelming.
Buckaroo Bob [00:00:45]:
I don't think so because I wear hearing aids. So when I came in here, it quietened down quite a bit for me because I cut out a lot of that background noise and then it helped me out a whole lot.
Jimmy Purdy [00:00:55]:
Interesting. All right, well, speaking of overwhelming, I think we're talking about training.
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:00]:
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:01]:
Is that what we want to talk about?
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:02]:
I like training. Yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:03]:
That's why we're here right now, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:05]:
Exactly. This is one of the. This is trying to gain momentum to be one of the biggest training events we have in the United States.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:11]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:11]:
It's pretty freaking awesome.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:13]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:13]:
And then you take. You know, the other thing I want to talk about was the trainers.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:18]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:18]:
The top. The cream of the crop is here.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:21]:
Isn't that awesome? Apex. Apex 2024. I feel like every year since 2018, it's just gotten better and better, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:28]:
It has, it has. You know, I started coming here the first one after Covid, and it was a ghost town.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:34]:
I remember that. Yeah, yeah.
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:35]:
There was nobody here.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:36]:
Did you come before COVID Did you know? Did you know?
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:38]:
I did not come before COVID but I heard all kind of stories about it. Before COVID Yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:44]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:45]:
So it was. It was a learning experience for me from the. In a first Joe's Garage, you know. Wow.
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:52]:
Yeah. It's cool. You get to use all. And you were just talking about getting some new, you know, equipment for your shop.
Buckaroo Bob [00:01:57]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:01:58]:
And you can see and watch them use the equipment. It's cool.
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:01]:
You know, and use it. The equipment's set up so you can play.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:04]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:05]:
You can see the value of the equipment.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:07]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:07]:
You can learn. There's more training for you.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:09]:
Well, like. And you and I are the same. Right. Where salesman can come in and tell you, talk to you till you're blue in the face about all the features and benefits. But no, no, let me bring. I need to play with it.
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:19]:
Exactly. You know, I need to see what's going on. It's not Me, necessarily. I need my employees to play with it.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:24]:
That's. That's very.
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:25]:
You know, you can talk to me. You're blue in the face. I'm good with that.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:27]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:28]:
Cause I'll talk. I love the talk. But when it comes to buying, my employees don't like it. You can't get past that. You're stuck, you know? So we come all the way from Dallas, Fort Worth to look at the Hunter equipment here because they had all the tire changers set up to pick the one that we wanted to fit in our shop.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:45]:
Yeah. And they got a outstanding booth over there, don't they?
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:48]:
I haven't seen the one here at Apex.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:51]:
No. No, the one at sema.
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:52]:
But SEMA is huge.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:53]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:54]:
Beautiful. Yes.
Jimmy Purdy [00:02:55]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:02:55]:
Yeah, that. I spent all day over there yesterday shaking hands, kissing babies, loving on everybody, telling them all about the Texas Two Step. And that's why I'm over here today. I want to. I. Bill Haas and Cecil Bullard and, you know, all my friends, Vic Tarsik. I want to see them and say, I tell them what I'm up to. That's why I'm here today.
Jimmy Purdy [00:03:14]:
That's awesome. Well. Well, then. And you always learn something, too, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:03:17]:
I'm always learning something.
Jimmy Purdy [00:03:18]:
So you're not just here yelling from the top of a mountain. You're here to learn stuff as well.
Buckaroo Bob [00:03:24]:
Oh, yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:03:24]:
So even with your experience, right? Yeah, experience. And I can see it all over your beard.
Buckaroo Bob [00:03:29]:
I got plenty of gray there, don't I?
Jimmy Purdy [00:03:31]:
It's a lot of experience you're oozing. And you still come to these events and still learn something new?
Buckaroo Bob [00:03:36]:
I do. You know, and I meet new people, and then sometimes, like Jeff Compton, the only time I have to connect to him is at an event like this. I can't get him to come to Texas and go fishing, but I can connect to him here.
Jimmy Purdy [00:03:48]:
Yeah. I mean, there's that whole international thing, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:03:51]:
Yeah. It's something about his visa or something. I know for sure I know what.
Jimmy Purdy [00:03:55]:
He'S talking about, man. Just get on the damn train.
Buckaroo Bob [00:03:58]:
Yeah. Unemployed people should be able to travel all the time.
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:04]:
So with training, you got this thing coming up, the ttst.
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:08]:
It's a Texas Two Step training event.
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:10]:
It is?
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:10]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:11]:
So the acronyms really throw a lot of people off.
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:13]:
It will.
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:14]:
Especially us in the auto industry, because we're just like. Yeah, we needed them just for this. The fanatics is just too much, Right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:21]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:21]:
Can you spell it out for me? Make it easy. But that's what training Does, Right. It takes something that's unfamiliar, makes it familiar. So when you're talking about, what are you, Diesel, you got. Who do you got? Who do you got in these courses? Because I know you got Mike Cleary.
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:35]:
Which is like, we both know Mike Cleary.
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:37]:
Six, seven. You know, the Garage God is what we call it, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:40]:
Garage God.
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:41]:
That's his. And if you ever travel anywhere, make sure you tag him, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:43]:
Yes, exactly. Especially Instagram is Garage God. And he loves that, by the way. And I want to thank Dunkin Donuts for helping us out with that. You know, we got Oscar Gomez out of California, too. He's just right down the highway from y'all.
Jimmy Purdy [00:04:57]:
Yeah, that's true.
Buckaroo Bob [00:04:57]:
And he's doing all the gas stuff. He's a. He's a wizard. The picoscope and things like that. Then we also have things for the garage owner, shop owner, Bill180Biz, Rick White. He's going to be teaching some classes in each one of the cities we go to. And then we have Dan Vance with Shop Dog Marketing. He's here.
Buckaroo Bob [00:05:18]:
I'm going to go see him.
Jimmy Purdy [00:05:19]:
Yeah, I think I'm going to have him on the show here later.
Buckaroo Bob [00:05:21]:
Oh, I hope so. That would be great. And he's talking about marketing and your Google listing. And, you know, Dan is the top Google guy in the United States. And to have him come do training for us. This is freaking awesome. It's wild.
Jimmy Purdy [00:05:35]:
Yeah. You'll have them all under one roof.
Buckaroo Bob [00:05:38]:
Yes, everybody's going to be under one roof. We're in five cities on the east side of Texas this year. We start in Houston, we go to Beaumont, Lufkin, Tyler, and we wrap it all up in the Dallas Fort Worth. We're teaching the same classes at each city, so if you're close to one of the cities, you can make it. Then if you want to fly in, flying in Houston or flying to Dallas Fort Worth, you're not going to miss one of the classes. They're going to be the same classes. And you don't have to come for one day because the training classes in the Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston are on Saturday. So fly in Friday night, let me know you're coming.
Buckaroo Bob [00:06:11]:
I'll come pick you up at the airport, get you into hotel, do the class, and then I'll take you back to airport Saturday night. You're only missing home one day.
Jimmy Purdy [00:06:19]:
One night, man. Just short of. Just short feeding them. That's about all they're going to need, huh?
Buckaroo Bob [00:06:24]:
You know, we don't Serve lunch in these classes for the simple reason so many people want different food, different allergies, all this stuff. So we give an hour break so you can go to the hotel, restaurant or you can go down the street.
Jimmy Purdy [00:06:37]:
Well, I'm sure you got some great recommendations.
Buckaroo Bob [00:06:39]:
Oh, yeah, we always.
Jimmy Purdy [00:06:40]:
You sound like a good old Texas boy, so I'm sure you can find some good barbecue for these folks.
Buckaroo Bob [00:06:43]:
I'm a little heavy because I like to eat and I know good food.
Jimmy Purdy [00:06:49]:
So you got. You got recommendations? I did, you know, you know, set up some training. And Mike Cleary, as you know, he's. He's about, I don't know, four minutes away from our shop in California. Like, he's just right around. And you know what's really sad? We tried, I think, about four different attempts to put a class together.
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:07]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:07]:
And it's just falling apart every time. So for either lack of participation or, I guess, lack of marketing. And I think the main. The main thing we found is just the lack of interest.
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:20]:
How far is San Diego from you?
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:22]:
About five hours.
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:23]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:24]:
Four, if you can.
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:25]:
Because Oscar and Mike both have been kicking around doing something in San Diego they want me to do there in May. We're going to North Carolina. We're going to be at Frog Pond.
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:35]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:35]:
Where Benji is, you know, Benji burst.
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:38]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:39]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:39]:
Yeah. Not firsthand.
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:40]:
He's a famous guy, you know, he's. He's always on somebody, talking to somebody. He's out there. He's on the board to pick the classes for ASTA Expo.
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:53]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:07:53]:
And he picks the trainers and the teachers and stuff like that.
Jimmy Purdy [00:07:56]:
I feel like the east coast is just much bigger when it comes to training. Right. Everything. Everything for us on the west coast is we do a lot of flying into the east coast and it is exhausting. Right. So it's just unfortunate to have nothing in California on the West Coast. And I don't think it's for lack of having the trainers. It's just lack of participation.
Jimmy Purdy [00:08:16]:
Yeah. Just the interest. Is that something you find when you put these events together or you do a good. You get a good turnout.
Buckaroo Bob [00:08:22]:
And that's why we're doing five cities in Texas.
Jimmy Purdy [00:08:24]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:08:25]:
Okay. So we can get all the training spread out. It seems like when we hold one training event, it doesn't have the traction. Like, if we have it in Houston, we just have it in Dallas. You don't have the people from the outskirts coming into the city. You have the travelers coming from out of state.
Jimmy Purdy [00:08:42]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:08:43]:
But, you know, if you're Holding a training class in Houston. Nobody from Louisiana is going to come. But if you have it 40 miles, 30 miles to the east of Houston and Beaumont, you can have everybody you want to out of Louisiana, Lake Charles and all that. Yeah. That's crazy.
Jimmy Purdy [00:09:00]:
That's interesting.
Buckaroo Bob [00:09:00]:
Yeah. Dallas, Fort Worth market. I can have everybody I want to out of the Dallas Fort Worth market. If you say Dallas, Fort Worth, but if you say trainings in Dallas, 36 miles away, nobody from Fort Worth coming. Or if you say Fort Worth, 36 miles over Dallas, it is crazy, you know? Huh.
Jimmy Purdy [00:09:21]:
I wonder if that's one of our big. Our big roadblocks that we have. Right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:09:24]:
We're gonna.
Jimmy Purdy [00:09:25]:
Training is important. I think a lot of people find training extremely valuable, but, like, that little nuance that you just brought up is a huge deal, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:09:33]:
Yes, it is.
Jimmy Purdy [00:09:33]:
I mean, in Texas is one thing, because it's very like, you know, college football, like. Oh, they like to draw those lines.
Buckaroo Bob [00:09:39]:
Just like football.
Jimmy Purdy [00:09:40]:
Yeah. You like to draw those lines. Right. We don't really have too much of that, but I can see, you know, moving to different cities, how it would change. Or do you see more people flying into your events than actually local participation? Just because of, like, the big names.
Buckaroo Bob [00:09:54]:
That we're having here for this event? Yes. What's crazy is, two years ago, the local schools didn't know this was going on. They didn't know what was going on till last year.
Jimmy Purdy [00:10:09]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:10:09]:
And they took it to the local schools and invited local schools to show up to this event. So local traction here is bad. Until last year, they started advertising and pushing it real heavy in this local area, this local market. But everybody flew in or drove in. I've always drove my RV in from Texas to this event. It's the same way with asda.
Jimmy Purdy [00:10:30]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:10:30]:
You know, the local people around there, there might be a half a dozen of them, but if you go to counting the heads, they're all flying in. They're all coming in from over the mountain. They're out of state. A bunch of. That is.
Jimmy Purdy [00:10:43]:
It's interesting.
Buckaroo Bob [00:10:44]:
Look at vision.
Jimmy Purdy [00:10:46]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:10:46]:
Division traction in the city is not as strong.
Jimmy Purdy [00:10:50]:
It's in. In the middle of nowhere, too. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:10:54]:
It's on the south side of nowhere. You're right. You know, Kansas City, that they have a football team. Yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:11:00]:
Nobody wants to be in Kansas City, man.
Buckaroo Bob [00:11:02]:
But it's in. It's in such a nice neighborhood, you know, it's. It's on the border of the medical district on the motor of all the financials and A lot of banks are around that area. So it's a well known area.
Jimmy Purdy [00:11:14]:
Well, it's just a cost effective venue.
Buckaroo Bob [00:11:16]:
Yes, it is.
Jimmy Purdy [00:11:16]:
You got to find somewhere that's going to be cost effective. Yeah. And I think in California, nothing is cost effective. So it's really hard to hold a training center or training facility because there's just nowhere to rent. That's going to be less than a thousand dollars for the day. Right. Like, so that makes it really tough, too.
Buckaroo Bob [00:11:31]:
It really is. Until you find some sponsors to help you defer those costs, it's hard to back that stuff.
Jimmy Purdy [00:11:39]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:11:39]:
You know, and we were very blessed last year. We had several sponsors step up and help us out. Well, I said last year, the first part of this year in the spring, and we did three cities in Texas and we go to market this month for the Texas Two Step. And I'm in talks with several people about being a title sponsor and hopefully I can gain some traction on that. We can put them on the heading of everything.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:01]:
Oh, there you go.
Buckaroo Bob [00:12:02]:
You know, and having the top trainers is going to be a big plus. And having one season under our belt, and we know what we're doing, that helps out a lot, too.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:11]:
So you're putting this to market. When's the date? Do we.
Buckaroo Bob [00:12:14]:
Do we.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:15]:
Do we talk about that?
Buckaroo Bob [00:12:16]:
No, we haven't talked about it yet. So the Texas Two Step training event will take place the last week of March.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:22]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:12:23]:
We started on the 22nd in Houston and we go up to Eastern side and we land at DFW. And that's our closing date on the 29th.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:33]:
So we got a good amount of time to get this thing out there.
Buckaroo Bob [00:12:35]:
Oh, yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:35]:
See, and you're still looking for title sponsors. You're still looking for some backing for this thing, too, so that's awesome. Yeah, it's definitely something you want to be a part of. Right. When it comes to training. Because I think training is the next. I think it's the next wave of evolution. I mean, for where we're at in the auto industry, for the amount of.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:53]:
What do we call senior techs retiring out and we have this age gap, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:12:57]:
Yes, we do.
Jimmy Purdy [00:12:57]:
I've seen. And it's. Yes. And I'm just now seeing these new. What's the new generation? Generation Y or W?
Buckaroo Bob [00:13:03]:
Yeah, it's a new generation, but it's Y something.
Jimmy Purdy [00:13:08]:
Who cares? Right? The whole, like, yeah, I'm a millennial, but I'm not like, I don't classify myself as a millennial. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:13:13]:
You're Right.
Jimmy Purdy [00:13:15]:
So whatever. But the main thing is I got guys coming to 24, 25 years old with a year of experience and this is all they want to do. Right. And they're willing to sacrifice a paycheck to learn. And that's. I've. This is new for me. Right.
Jimmy Purdy [00:13:27]:
I'm fairly new. I'm 10 years as far as a shop owner, about eight years. So coming up on 10 years being in the industry. Right. And so this is the first time I've seen that kind of change because I've just seen in the last 10 years everyone either retiring out, telling me to get out of it, stay out of it. Right, right. That's what everyone's saying. Like you see a.
Jimmy Purdy [00:13:45]:
Post it online, I'm opening a shop. No, heck, stay away. You listen to David Roman, right? Like don't ever open a shop. Right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:13:51]:
Yeah. Don't stay away. Don't turn the doorknob. Yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:13:53]:
And it's ok. For the first time I'm seeing like the younger crowd starting to get a lot of interest in it and want to be involved. I just sent my. So we're here. Right, Right. And so yesterday we had some training put on by O'Reilly's.
Buckaroo Bob [00:14:05]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:14:05]:
It was Zane. Oh, what is his last name? I knew I was gonna forget this. I'm a really well known trainer.
Buckaroo Bob [00:14:12]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:14:13]:
I don't know if you're familiar with some of the trainers. But anyway, so he's putting on something local and so I signed both the guys up.
Buckaroo Bob [00:14:19]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:14:20]:
And I got a text this morning from one of my texts. He's just like completely ecstatic. Over the moon. I dude, thank you so much for signing me up for this. And he's 25 or 26.
Buckaroo Bob [00:14:29]:
How awesome.
Jimmy Purdy [00:14:30]:
Yeah. And he was just over the moon, excited about this diagnostic training that he went to last night. Mind you, he's got a 45 minute commute to get to our shop and the Training started at 6pm so he had to work all day. 6pm was 6 to 10. And then he drove home 45 minutes and he was still excited to go.
Buckaroo Bob [00:14:45]:
I love that.
Jimmy Purdy [00:14:46]:
That's the first time I've had anybody reach out to me say thanks for sending me that. It's usually, hey guys, I sent you up for training and all their heads slump. Oh, right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:14:53]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:14:54]:
It's like, whoa, like we're getting into something new. So I think this training thing is something to really latch on to. So when there's events going on. I guess my point is like when these things go On. And you're looking for title sponsors, man. If you're looking to donate to something, jump on this stuff, man.
Buckaroo Bob [00:15:09]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:15:10]:
Like, this is. This is the new wave. On. Telling you, like, training's been tough.
Buckaroo Bob [00:15:14]:
Trying to convince the young people that this is not a job. This is your career.
Jimmy Purdy [00:15:20]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:15:21]:
You know, change the mindset of the new hire that, hey, I didn't hire you on. To be the same person you are today. What are you doing to advance your career, not your job? So all the training that a young person can do, whether it be in person, online, whatever, you're not better in your job, you're better in your career. So you can move forward. And hopefully you do it quickly before you turn 25. So you can be the rock star for somebody you know or just for yourself. Just for yourself. You want to be the rock star for you.
Buckaroo Bob [00:15:59]:
That's you personally, because you got to take that on your resume and keep moving in advance and don't stay in the same place. You know, if the shop you're in is not doing training, not pushing forward, they're not going to advance into the future. They're going to be left behind. And if you're. If you're that person that's doing training, going to school, learning, reading, studying, moving forward, shaking and baking, baby.
Jimmy Purdy [00:16:23]:
Yeah. That's what I say. And isn't in a slow evolution, too, Right. It's not that you missed one training class or you missed one event. It's like that realization that, like, three or four, five, six years later, you're behind the curve now. Exactly how hard is it to get back in front? Right. You got to make up all that time. And then.
Jimmy Purdy [00:16:45]:
Because it's constantly evolving.
Buckaroo Bob [00:16:47]:
It is.
Jimmy Purdy [00:16:48]:
Especially now with evs and hybrids, man. Like. And it's polarizing. Right, everyone? Oh, man. I'll just keep working on the old hot rods, and then that's cool.
Buckaroo Bob [00:16:57]:
That's cool. That's something you can do.
Jimmy Purdy [00:16:58]:
But if you're missing out and you don't know how an electric motor works. Right. If you don't know how to replace a hybrid battery, man, you are so far behind the curve right now.
Buckaroo Bob [00:17:07]:
I'm gonna go with this cheap rental car that I've got. It's a Santa Fe. Okay. And I've never driven a car with cruise control that keeps the distance between you and the vehicle that flies the brakes and does all this crap, you know, I'm 60 years old, and I never drove a car like this, much less a car you push a button. And when you come to a stop on a grade, it holds the car still.
Jimmy Purdy [00:17:29]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:17:30]:
You know, and the start stop, you know, that's been around for a long time. I know how to work on them, but I don't really admit to that. But, you know, a lot of guys have no clue on that stuff.
Jimmy Purdy [00:17:40]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:17:40]:
And all the technical stuff I just talked about, if you're not going to school and learning about it, that's the technology that's going to leave you behind. And you're talking about EVs. The same stuff.
Jimmy Purdy [00:17:52]:
Well, that and it's missed opportunity. Right. Like the main thing. Let's talk about business. Right. Like the main thing we're doing here is to make money. Money. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:17:58]:
Oh, yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:17:58]:
And if your ego's getting in the way and saying, I won't touch evs because I'm too good for that. Right. I don't. Because I don't. I don't believe and.
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:06]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:07]:
And I get it.
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:08]:
Your head's in the sand.
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:10]:
Like you and I can probably agree on that. We don't believe in it either. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:13]:
I don't want to.
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:15]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:15]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:16]:
But if you're not doing it, it's missed opportunity. We're in this business to make money. And if you can have a Tesla come in and you can diagnose the battery over temp condition or a hybrid come in.
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:25]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:25]:
And you can do a. What are those things? They go for about 25 or $3,000 to replace that hybrid battery. And the batteries cost maybe 1200 bucks and takes 45 minutes. I mean, if you're not.
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:36]:
It's opportunity, baby. Not not, you know, like I always say, cha ching, baby. Yeah. You gotta make that money. That's what keeps the light bill paid. That's what keeps you on your trips around the country doing the things you do.
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:48]:
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, you know? You know, if you're not into it.
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:52]:
You'Re not gonna make much money off your enemies. Your friends, your brothers, your sisters. That's who you're gonna live off of.
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:58]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:18:58]:
That's. They're supporting you.
Jimmy Purdy [00:18:59]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:19:00]:
You know, and that's a whole nother thing we could cover. I love talking about showing your value to your clients. You know that. I think personally, if I can show you my value and show you how great and wonderful my employees are in my shop is you'll do business with me.
Jimmy Purdy [00:19:21]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:19:21]:
And the money's not going to be the topic.
Jimmy Purdy [00:19:23]:
Do you think, when it comes to circle back to training, do you think the loss there is not feeling valued because you just don't know what you don't know. Right. And so not to say that you could draw a correlation between the more you train, the more you can charge. But I also feel like in my time, the more I've trained, the more confidence that I've built in my abilities. And if I can't figure out something in say two or three hours, I know I've tried everything I can and I, and I feel justified in charging for that diagnostic fee. Right. Because I've done the training to back up my knowledge. I'm not just guessing, I'm not just throwing parts.
Jimmy Purdy [00:19:59]:
Right. And we've probably all been there where we spent three or four hours with a vehicle and we.
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:02]:
Can't hear me shake my head, can you? Right.
Jimmy Purdy [00:20:05]:
And we spent three or four hours and we're like, I can't pay, I can't charge my client for that.
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:09]:
Yes, you can.
Jimmy Purdy [00:20:10]:
Well, you can if you train. But if you don't know what the hell you're doing.
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:14]:
Don't know. You don't know. You're not going to be smart enough to charge either if you don't know.
Jimmy Purdy [00:20:18]:
That's my point, Right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:19]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:20:20]:
If you're spending three or four hours and you're like, man, I just don't feel confident and I know what, what the hell I'm doing, so I'm not charging the client. Right. And that's where that, that whole other conversation comes in of the, it's all.
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:31]:
About discovery and processes. You gotta have that into play.
Jimmy Purdy [00:20:34]:
That's true. And you gotta have the knowledge to back up the testing. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:37]:
And going to school and learning from business people is a great way to catch that thing.
Jimmy Purdy [00:20:42]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:42]:
And I said that it's not necessarily classroom time. It's the time you network outside the classroom, you learn some of this stuff, Some of the questions you can ask and get answers for from old gray haired guys like me.
Jimmy Purdy [00:20:54]:
It's true.
Buckaroo Bob [00:20:55]:
You know, come pick on me and ask me these questions. I forgot a lot of things. But if you ask me a question, it might jog my memory. Yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:21:04]:
Well, it's all about that pain in the ass car that sticks in your mind, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:21:07]:
I love it. Yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:21:08]:
And it's the case studies, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:21:09]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:21:09]:
And so when it comes to the training, the one of the things I think I really like about what Mike Cleary does is he really brings up that real world experience. Same like Paul Danner. Right. Like watching like what a blessing of a guy. You're watching this guy get frustrated trying to. And he is sticking to his process, though.
Buckaroo Bob [00:21:25]:
Yes, he is. Stay with your process.
Jimmy Purdy [00:21:26]:
That's what we always do. We get frustrated and then we deviate from our process.
Buckaroo Bob [00:21:30]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:21:31]:
But we do it because our human brain is. Just wants to screw with us.
Buckaroo Bob [00:21:35]:
When I hire a new technician, the hardest thing that I can get out of their head is their ego. We're not here to have an ego. We're here to follow processes and procedures, stay focused, do what we got to do. That way you can justify for charging everything that you're doing.
Jimmy Purdy [00:21:54]:
You know, nailed it.
Buckaroo Bob [00:21:55]:
And it sometimes it takes me two or three weeks to get a new technician on board with my program, the way we do things. But we just don't walk out there and start throwing crap around and try to fix the car.
Jimmy Purdy [00:22:09]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:22:10]:
Follow the process, follow the procedure. It's a proven deal. It makes money. It makes the stress level in your business go way down.
Jimmy Purdy [00:22:19]:
Yeah. Now, when it comes to, like, this training setup that you have coming. Yeah. How is the. How is it going to be designed for technicians, for service advisors, for shop owners? Are we having all the classes kind of at each location congruent as far as everything's at the same time?
Buckaroo Bob [00:22:37]:
Everything that's the same time. That way they come in at the same time, they break at lunch at the same time, and they do breaks during the classroom at the same time. That way they can share with each other what they are learning in the classroom. And the owner of the business knows that his technicians are there and everything's going like it should. And then at lunch, they can all take a break and go share what they learn.
Jimmy Purdy [00:22:57]:
Oh, that's awesome. One of the big challenges for me when I come to a training event is trying to decide what classes I want to take, Right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:23:05]:
Oh, yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:23:05]:
As the owner, I should be taking management classes and leadership classes, but I'm also a technician. Right. I'm still. I'm going back, you know, next week, and I'll be back to repairing and diagnosing and maybe building a transmission.
Buckaroo Bob [00:23:18]:
Following your procedures.
Jimmy Purdy [00:23:19]:
Right, right. Follow procedures. But I'll be back on the bench. I'll be getting my hands like. And so I have a hard time trying to decide which class I should be in. Should I be in the leadership class? Should I be in the technician class? Right. Do you have any advice for those? Or in this. In this kind of.
Jimmy Purdy [00:23:32]:
In this one that you have coming up? Maybe divide and conquer.
Buckaroo Bob [00:23:37]:
So when you go to an expo event like this, I sign up before we go the best classes that I want to go to. And like you, once I get to the event, I said, oh, my gosh, I'm gonna go to that one. I want to. I don't want to do this one. I want to do that one. So my blessing is there's so many people that know me, I can walk in any door I want to go to. Okay. But I see as a young guy that's not well known in our industry, he's going to be stuck with the class that he picked.
Buckaroo Bob [00:24:10]:
He's not going to be able to swap classes and move around. And my heart goes out to that, because you need to learn things in classes that you don't know. Mike Clary. We keep going back to Mike. Mike's good friend of mine and yours, you know, And I've been in Mike's class hundreds of times. We've been training with each other since 2005. 6 Something right. In that area.
Buckaroo Bob [00:24:36]:
And every time I go to his class and I sit in his classes, I pick up something, I learn something. Something different. And it may not necessarily be from Mike. It may be a question or a statement that somebody said, hey, I did it like this. It changed the. And wow. You know, so just because you didn't want to go to that class, go to that class. And I call this finding that golden nugget and that golden nuggets would make you more money.
Jimmy Purdy [00:25:02]:
Mining for gold. Yeah.
Buckaroo Bob [00:25:03]:
Mining for gold, baby.
Jimmy Purdy [00:25:05]:
That brings up a really good point. Like, for the. For the attendees of these classes. Speak up. Right? Yeah. Ask questions. Yes. How many of these training events have you been to? Or classes that you set in or technical seminars where everyone just has their head down and no one wants to feel stupid?
Buckaroo Bob [00:25:20]:
Yeah. Sad. It really is, you know? Or you get the one guy in there to ask all the stupid questions.
Jimmy Purdy [00:25:26]:
You had to go there, didn't you? You had to say that.
Buckaroo Bob [00:25:29]:
Yeah, I've seen that a dozen times.
Jimmy Purdy [00:25:34]:
I was that guy. So think. So think first and then speak. But I mean, at the end of.
Buckaroo Bob [00:25:38]:
The day, who really cares?
Jimmy Purdy [00:25:41]:
No, we're leaving that in. That's. That's my gold nugget for the day. That's damn sure. That's the relatable part, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:25:48]:
Yes, it is.
Jimmy Purdy [00:25:48]:
I mean, because we all do it. We asked that question. And then four or five years later, we're looking back like, I can't believe I asked that stupid freaking question. But you would not have known it was a stupid question five years later if you don't ask it to begin with.
Buckaroo Bob [00:26:02]:
Right. Exactly.
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:02]:
100% mind blown. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:26:04]:
Learn to laugh at yourself. Learn to move on. Learn to love yourself.
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:08]:
You know, ask a stupid question, because you know what? It'll get everybody else in the classroom to start talking too.
Buckaroo Bob [00:26:14]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:14]:
There's no way I can be as dumb as that guy.
Buckaroo Bob [00:26:16]:
That's right.
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:17]:
And then you just elevated the whole class. You just, You're. And then you elevate in the whole industry. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:26:22]:
I love that.
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:22]:
Right. I mean, be the stupid one. And I don't have a. I have no problem with that. Right. Like, I like being the loud guy. I like calling people out. I like sitting there and.
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:30]:
And saying the jokes. And it's. It's really just to get everyone engaged and, like, break that ice. Like, it's because the tension is so thick. And then the next training class I go to, like, I don't want to go sit in that again. That was terrible. That was, like, back in high school, that's why I didn't graduate high school. I was like, I'm out.
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:43]:
You know, Like, I can't. I can't just sit here and listen to this person just talk at me. And everybody just, you know, like, nobody wants to be involved with that. So make it fun. Right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:26:52]:
Make it fun. Get involved.
Jimmy Purdy [00:26:53]:
Make it happen without being disruptive to the instructor. Right. There's that fine line too.
Buckaroo Bob [00:26:56]:
You know, And I treat training classes kind of like I do social media. If I get on your website and you posted something that everybody else needs. No, I'm a comment on it, and there's no telling what I'll say. Great.
Jimmy Purdy [00:27:09]:
There is.
Buckaroo Bob [00:27:10]:
Whatever. But I'm looking for you to reply back to me, you know, and us bounce something off of each other to create the algorithm of that something happening.
Jimmy Purdy [00:27:21]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:27:22]:
You know, and the same thing in a classroom, you know, when it comes time the instructor says, do you understand? Do you have any questions, comments? Say something. Open the. Break the ice so somebody else will say something that's holding back.
Jimmy Purdy [00:27:35]:
That's so true. Yeah. Because that's the only time it happens. Yes and no. They said no one wants to ask that question or be held. Stupid. You know, But I think it comes to the trainer, too. And that's a difficult situation for the trainer.
Jimmy Purdy [00:27:47]:
And that's why you got some of the guys here that. That are. Have that mindset.
Buckaroo Bob [00:27:51]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:27:51]:
They can get you to interact. Right. Like, who is it? G?
Buckaroo Bob [00:27:55]:
Yeah, G. He'll do the same thing.
Jimmy Purdy [00:27:58]:
Yeah. He's. He's fantastic at getting people. He's walking up and down the aisle he's yelling at people. He's.
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:03]:
Oh, yeah.
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:03]:
It gets you like involved. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:05]:
I've known him since I was 25, 27 years old. He's always been like a powerhouse to me. I've learned so much from that guy. And he gives you the opportunity to interact.
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:15]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:16]:
You know, and I love G. I really do. I've known him for years and.
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:20]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:21]:
Oh my gosh.
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:21]:
Yeah. Another.
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:22]:
You're so right.
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:23]:
Another top. Top trainer. Yeah. So this event here that you got coming up, what's the main focus for the techs? Are we. Are we doing. Is just obviously you got Mike Cleary doing the six, seven. Diesel. Is that.
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:32]:
Is that the focus is Diesel. Diesel.
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:33]:
That's a diesel for Mike Claire. Mike Clare is so famous about Diesel. We're staying that way. Oscar Gomez is drivability.
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:40]:
Okay. And drivability. Let's dive into that just a touch. So we're talking about code analysis.
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:47]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:47]:
Is that the main focus?
Buckaroo Bob [00:28:48]:
You just keep going and I'll tell No when you need to be. No, Oscars was. I do. He's just like, gee, he's going to present the subject of material that he's going to stop and say, got any questions with everybody?
Jimmy Purdy [00:28:59]:
With real world experience.
Buckaroo Bob [00:29:01]:
Real world.
Jimmy Purdy [00:29:01]:
Because he still runs the shop, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a fantastic shop down there.
Buckaroo Bob [00:29:05]:
He's still playing and plugging and pushing and tugging.
Jimmy Purdy [00:29:07]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:29:08]:
I don't think he actually replaces any parts, but I think he does all the diagnosis work. Okay.
Jimmy Purdy [00:29:12]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:29:13]:
So he does a lot of it remotely. When he's off training somewhere, he'll be on. On his laptop remoting in trying to fix the car with a guy at his shop.
Jimmy Purdy [00:29:21]:
That's awesome. Yeah, that's like next level stuff. That's like the remote work that we all want to do.
Buckaroo Bob [00:29:25]:
I keep telling him, you need to be like me and unplug. He won't do it.
Jimmy Purdy [00:29:31]:
Well, it takes a long time like for where you're at with your shop. Right. To be able to walk away and know that it's going to run efficiently and you still got high level diags going on without you needing to be a part of it.
Buckaroo Bob [00:29:41]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:29:42]:
It's still probably time you get pulled back into it. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:29:44]:
But I spend. So my coach is Rick White 180 biz and he has told me I need to spend two days a week at my shop working on getting new customers. Well, I got two new customers last week and I wasn't even at my shop. So I said Do I really need to be at my shop, Rick? So I'm pushing back on being there at all. But I tell everybody the first week of the month I'm there because that's when I pay all my bills, I do my bank statements, and I pay the great state of Texas their money, you know, so the rest of the month, I'm pretty much free to be able to do what I do. But what got me here is the passion and learning how to not be involved in my business, but be on the outside, have the right players and trust in those right players to do what their job is doing. I don't dictate how they need to do their job. I have policy and procedures for that.
Buckaroo Bob [00:30:44]:
I want the outcome, and this is the outcome I want, and that's what I tell them, and I let them work to that outcome and get to where I need to be.
Jimmy Purdy [00:30:51]:
That's awesome. Do you think that started from a. From the base of wanting to learn, of training? And do you think, like, the most. The best technicians out there have the ability to be the best shop owners because of being able to learn a new process and a new thing every single time there's a new vehicle? I think that's what sets us apart from everybody else.
Buckaroo Bob [00:31:10]:
It is in the world. You. You have to. You're a good technician. You're a good technician. It's. It's not common to have a good technician and to be a good businessman, because until you learn to take the passion away from fixing the car and working on your business, you can never be a good businessman. You're always going to be a good technician.
Buckaroo Bob [00:31:37]:
Is it saying that you're not going to be successful? I was successful 15 years. The first part, I owned my business. I did really good, but I was a technician. And then I started doing the AMI training classes about business. And Becky Witt came to Texas and did a class that was the class that changed my passion for learning how to run my business. That. That lady is so fantastic, so awesome. And it's been a blessing in my life.
Buckaroo Bob [00:32:16]:
And another good friend of hers named Betty Jo Young. Them two people really changed my life when I was in my 30s to help me understand KPIs. I didn't know what KPIs was, you know, gross profit. Wow, that sounded gross. You know, I like to eat good.
Jimmy Purdy [00:32:38]:
Food, not gross food. Exactly.
Buckaroo Bob [00:32:40]:
You know, and yeah, that was. That was the beginning of my life. And then I started doing all the AMI classes that were available and taking every one of them. I Possibly could. And I eventually gathered my master's of AMI certification, so. And that's not a big thing like it used to be. And then I started coaching and, and getting involved with a coach that fits your organization, your program is a big thing in life, you know, and best thing I can tell anybody is don't go to a coaching company that has a contract because it may not be the right fit for you.
Jimmy Purdy [00:33:15]:
That's true.
Buckaroo Bob [00:33:16]:
You know, if you want to go the contract, bounce around between coaches, figure out which coach fits your program and then if they don't, move on, go to another coach. There's so many of them out here and they're all great people and they all want you to succeed and be who you need to be.
Jimmy Purdy [00:33:33]:
Yeah, we talked yesterday about that too. Talk to a few people about that. About being stuck. Yeah, about. And you got to have that growth mindset where you can actually say, hey, this isn't working between you and I, I'm going to move on.
Buckaroo Bob [00:33:46]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:33:46]:
But no hard feelings. Right. And I think a lot of, I think most get stuck. Right. Because we're human centric in the auto industry. Like, we're, we don't like, cut our knuckles up. We don't like spend all night trying to get this problem solved. Right.
Jimmy Purdy [00:33:59]:
We're not like in bed researching for somebody else's car. It's not even ours. Like, there's so much that goes on behind the scenes that I don't think a lot of people understand that we go through. When you, especially in the early stages of being a technician and owning a business, an auto shop, like you have nothing but these other people's vehicles on your mind and you are just riddled with anxiety. For me, I'm anxiety, you know, and so that doesn't come from nothing. That comes from an extremely human centric point. Right, Exactly. Like, you just can't imagine going back to work the next day and not knowing what to do next to this vehicle.
Jimmy Purdy [00:34:31]:
You can't pick up that phone and call Mrs. Jones and say, I'm not going to have your car fixed because I don't know what the hell's wrong with it. Right. Then your ego is too damn big and you can't ship it down the street. Right, exactly. Not hitting home for everybody right now. Like, like. But it's all human centric and we don't understand.
Jimmy Purdy [00:34:47]:
But not making that phone call and not doing the training, you're doing the wrong thing. Don't just sit at the shop and like beat your head against the Wall and think that you're doing the right thing.
Buckaroo Bob [00:34:57]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:34:58]:
And that was. I mean, that's a huge thing. Shift for me in the last couple years is realizing that, like, I'm not going to do what I really want to do by just sitting here and thinking about it and dwelling on it and say, well, I'm trying really hard. That's not good enough.
Buckaroo Bob [00:35:11]:
No, that's not the growth zone.
Jimmy Purdy [00:35:12]:
That's not good enough.
Buckaroo Bob [00:35:13]:
Growth zone is where you're moving and learning and you're going forward and you're doing it. If you just beat your head against the wall, you're not grow going. Of course, you're not in the comfort zone either.
Jimmy Purdy [00:35:21]:
When we recharge, it's not comfortable at all.
Buckaroo Bob [00:35:24]:
But if you're in the growth zone, you're moving forward, you're getting that education, you're learning something. You're not sitting there with the tools doing the same damn thing over and over.
Jimmy Purdy [00:35:36]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:35:37]:
You're moving forward.
Jimmy Purdy [00:35:38]:
That insanity. I think they call that insanity.
Buckaroo Bob [00:35:40]:
Exactly. 100.
Jimmy Purdy [00:35:41]:
Maybe that's why we're all a little insane.
Buckaroo Bob [00:35:43]:
And your ego will drive you insane. It really will.
Jimmy Purdy [00:35:47]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:35:48]:
You know, get away from ego. Get away from that. Go to the training classes. Talk amongst the guys after the class, in between breaks. Visit with them. Build yourself a network.
Jimmy Purdy [00:35:59]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:36:00]:
That you can reach out to somebody that's better than you are at something. But if they see you going to class and they see you trying, they're willing to help you think.
Jimmy Purdy [00:36:10]:
It was the old, old generation of a lot of text groups. So for me, growing up in a shop, I was told not to touch their tools, don't ask them questions. Hey, you the stupid kid, right. You know, someone's always smoking a cigarette, yelling at somebody else. Like, that was kind of how the shop I grew up. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:36:24]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:36:24]:
And it was tough for me to kind of pivot away from that and then start reaching out and asking questions.
Buckaroo Bob [00:36:29]:
I grew up in that shop.
Jimmy Purdy [00:36:30]:
Yeah. I think a little bit it was like, I don't really give a shit what you think anymore.
Buckaroo Bob [00:36:33]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:36:33]:
Right. I'm like, you know what, you damn boomer. I don't care about you anymore. So for me, it was like my. Like, it was a survival instinct to just, like, stop caring and I'm gonna ask anyway. Right. I don't care anymore. And do you think that's part of the reason why people don't ask questions? People don't reach out because they think there's this stigma of, like, if you ask somebody that knows they're gonna charge you or that you know, the shop network.
Jimmy Purdy [00:36:57]:
So you probably have shops in your area you can reach out to if you have a problem. Oh, I do need a tool. But for a long time that wasn't a thing. You'd ask someone to borrow a tool like you buy it. We can take my tool and take my work. Yeah, right. And there's still guys out there with that mentality.
Buckaroo Bob [00:37:10]:
There is, there really is.
Jimmy Purdy [00:37:11]:
But it's. I mean, do you think that's like a huge population or you think that's like the minority?
Buckaroo Bob [00:37:17]:
Used to be huge. Everybody had that sign in their toolbox, keep your grubby hands off my snap on tools. I think that's what it said.
Jimmy Purdy [00:37:24]:
Dick beaters.
Buckaroo Bob [00:37:25]:
Yeah, something. Yeah. Vulgar and nasty. I don't talk like that no more probably. But anyway, I'm practically innocent. I tell my friends, but used to. Yes, I. And I don't see that like I used to, because in my network I have a rule.
Buckaroo Bob [00:37:46]:
I'll loan it to you once, I'll loan it to you twice. The third time, you better have it ordered on its way. And I don't mind going out borrowing the tool once and I don't mind borrowing it twice. But when I use it that second time, I'm ordering it. That means I need it in my arsenal of defense to fix things with, you know, and my technicians, when they come to work for me, they only need wrenches and sockets, all the specialty tools, the battery operated tools, all that I buy you, you buy the sockets and wrenches. The crap you lose, that's your stuff. The specialty tools. You're making money from me with that.
Buckaroo Bob [00:38:22]:
I want it to be my stuff, you know, and it's worked out really good the last 15 years that way. And I teaching younger people. I have a 21 year old lady working for me. I call her a girl because I'm 60, okay? She come to work for me when she is 19 years old and she's just a rock star. And I bought her a set of tools and I put her in that and I said, stay with me a year, you're yours, you can have them. Well, those tools are still as nice as they were the day I let her have them.
Jimmy Purdy [00:38:55]:
Oh, that's awesome.
Buckaroo Bob [00:38:56]:
It's awesome. You know, and she had some things. She couldn't be here with us this week, but she goes to all the big training events with us. She's a rock star and all the guys love having around and nobody's telling her, get your dick meters Off. No. Nobody's telling her, keep your hands off our tools, you know? Yeah, go for it.
Jimmy Purdy [00:39:18]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:39:18]:
You know, help. Do you need this tool? You need that tool. And we made that kind of culture around our shop to. We're all passionate for each other. You know, if you're working on something over there and pulling your hair out, Jacob might know how to fix that. You know, Dion might be the guy to take care of that idea.
Jimmy Purdy [00:39:37]:
It's all about the growth process, you.
Buckaroo Bob [00:39:38]:
Know, it's all policies, procedures, and how I want it to go.
Jimmy Purdy [00:39:42]:
And do you think we can apply what you just had mentioned with your tools, with your mind? Yes. So if you're asking someone how to fix something once. Okay with that. If you want to ask me again how that. How that oxygen sensor is supposed to operate, I'm okay with the second time, but do you think we can use that as a process? So by the third time you're asking.
Buckaroo Bob [00:40:00]:
Me, you need school.
Jimmy Purdy [00:40:02]:
Do you think this oxygen sensor is bad?
Buckaroo Bob [00:40:04]:
You know, when these other shops call our shop and they. They ask questions, you know, and we try to show them where they can get their answer at versus giving them the answer.
Jimmy Purdy [00:40:16]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:40:16]:
You know that one of the processes we do. If you call me and you're somebody I share knowledge with, I share the knowledge with you, but if you're somebody just calling me out of the blue that you're wanting to know how an oxygen sensor work, I'm going to take you to all that, and I'm going to go through the steps of how that particular oxygen sensor will work. And this is where you're going to find that information.
Jimmy Purdy [00:40:37]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:40:38]:
You know, I want to educate the new guy on how to find the information, not just give it to him.
Jimmy Purdy [00:40:44]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:40:44]:
That way he. I take away the daddy syndrome, he don't come back to me for that man.
Jimmy Purdy [00:40:50]:
Is that not a conversation for a whole other hour?
Buckaroo Bob [00:40:52]:
That's a topic. Yes, sir.
Jimmy Purdy [00:40:53]:
Holy moly. Yeah. And you know what? In the grand scheme of things, that's one of those things where you are kind of appeared as like. What's the word to call it? The grumpy old man. That way, Right? Like.
Buckaroo Bob [00:41:07]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:41:07]:
Can you just tell me? I know you just know. Can you just tell me?
Buckaroo Bob [00:41:10]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:41:10]:
No, because you're not going to learn it.
Buckaroo Bob [00:41:11]:
You're not going to learn that way.
Jimmy Purdy [00:41:12]:
I guarantee you in three or four or five years when you need to know, because that problem will come again. Right. And it's always three times in a row. Then you don't see it for a year always. So when that year comes by and you're like, hey, wait, I know where to find that.
Buckaroo Bob [00:41:25]:
And invaluable. Exactly. And that's how we do all of our apprentices that come to work with us, you know, when. First month, three months. Yeah, we'll give them the answer, but we're going to show them how we found the answer. So it, it weaned them off of being reliant for us to help them all the time. Now they're going to the information systems and finding the information for themselves by the time they get their first year underneath them. It.
Buckaroo Bob [00:41:55]:
It's a rule at that point when you come to me with a question, you better have three options of the answer.
Jimmy Purdy [00:42:03]:
I like that.
Buckaroo Bob [00:42:04]:
You know, that way we can tell, well, these two are wrong, that one's right. Or all three of them are possibles.
Jimmy Purdy [00:42:09]:
But they're all wrong, you idiot.
Buckaroo Bob [00:42:12]:
Yeah, but we know they're studying and where they got the options from. We know they're looking. They're not just coming to us with crap they pulled out of the air. Yeah, but it's information that, hey, I'm at the crossroads of this and I don't know which way to go. So time on diagnosis, diagnosing, repairing vehicles is very critical with us. You just don't get in there and spend hours on risk running wild road. Okay. So when you get to a certain point on your diagnosis level, you have to stop and you need to communicate.
Buckaroo Bob [00:42:44]:
And who do you communicate is whether you know the answer, what your diagnosis is, or whether you don't know and do you need more time and if you go into the more timescale and you're starting to feel either terminology, life support of the car to figure this problem out, you may need somebody that's educated with a picoscope better than you are. And that's when you ask somebody to help you.
Jimmy Purdy [00:43:07]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:43:08]:
You know, and you're getting the education and you're getting the help, but you're knowing where to find a help.
Jimmy Purdy [00:43:14]:
Your mind is a toolbox.
Buckaroo Bob [00:43:17]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:43:17]:
You need to load it with the arsenal of defense. And every, every, every bit of what you just said is just loading that toolbox with all your.
Buckaroo Bob [00:43:24]:
Your mental toolbox. Golly. There's a guy in Colorado that I was on the national board with asa, and he would always preach your mental toolbox now. Love that.
Jimmy Purdy [00:43:36]:
Yeah, it really is though, isn't it? And everything you've just described over the last few minutes is basically loading that toolbox.
Buckaroo Bob [00:43:43]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:43:43]:
And it Hurts and it's painful. Oh, yeah. But does it feel any better to have that snap on, Bill, every time you get off the van? That hurts a lot too.
Buckaroo Bob [00:43:51]:
Right. That's a pucker factor.
Jimmy Purdy [00:43:56]:
So whatever toolbox you're loading up is painful, right?
Buckaroo Bob [00:43:59]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:43:59]:
Choose your suck. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:44:03]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:44:04]:
Well, this has been awesome. Again, Texas Two Step training last week of March. Last week of March. We have three different cities.
Buckaroo Bob [00:44:12]:
Yes, we have five different cities.
Jimmy Purdy [00:44:14]:
Five different cities.
Buckaroo Bob [00:44:15]:
Yeah. We're going right up the eastern side of Texas. And this is just a little flyer about the instructors and trainers. And then on our website, texas2steptraining.com we're putting all the rest of the information. The dates are already there. Some of the locations haven't signed a contract on them. We do have a contract in Fort Worth, Dallas market. We do have the contract in Tyler.
Buckaroo Bob [00:44:37]:
We're working with Lufkin and Beaumont and Houston right now.
Jimmy Purdy [00:44:41]:
So, John Firm, how do they get ahold of you if they want any more information about this?
Buckaroo Bob [00:44:45]:
John firmautomotive.com.
Jimmy Purdy [00:44:48]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:44:49]:
Or you can call my sale, my sales in that brochure. 817-925-2718. I don't answer phone numbers that I don't recognize. So please leave a voicemail and leave your phone number in the voicemail. Sometimes I might be in Brazil fishing and that phone call won't come through.
Jimmy Purdy [00:45:08]:
Or text messages is always good, too.
Buckaroo Bob [00:45:10]:
A text is always good. I got an iPhone, so the network works.
Jimmy Purdy [00:45:15]:
Awesome trainers you got going on here. This is going to be a pretty fantastic thing and I'm pretty excited about it.
Buckaroo Bob [00:45:20]:
I hope you come and join us. It'd be awesome.
Jimmy Purdy [00:45:23]:
And I hope we get something set up in California as well.
Buckaroo Bob [00:45:25]:
So I believe we will.
Jimmy Purdy [00:45:28]:
The funny thing is you got Mike Cleary coming from my town. You got Oscar Gomez coming from three hours south and they're flying. How long is that flight?
Buckaroo Bob [00:45:36]:
I think it's a five hour flight. Five hour flight.
Jimmy Purdy [00:45:38]:
Yeah. To go. And I'm less than that of a drive. But somehow they're heading to Texas to do it because California won't just freaking get there together.
Buckaroo Bob [00:45:46]:
Yeah. And you know what's really crazy is look at Mike Clary, the amount of training he does in Canada. The guy's always in Canada all the time. It's just crazy. And it's all time of the year. And he got. He has some pretty cool stories about how he got to a training class with snow four or five or six feet deep.
Jimmy Purdy [00:46:06]:
Well, I think it's because those trucks Just run all winter long. So maybe they never stop. They get a lot more wear and tear. So maybe they have a lot of work on there. We're up in Alaska here recently. It was like he was telling me we did. He's got a seven, three power stroke runs. Yes.
Jimmy Purdy [00:46:21]:
He just. Once wintertime comes, he turns on. He doesn't shut off till like, March.
Buckaroo Bob [00:46:25]:
Oh, my gosh. You look like you had so much fun on that trip. And education and learning with other shops. How many other shops did you visit this year?
Jimmy Purdy [00:46:33]:
We've been through three. Three different shop evaluations.
Buckaroo Bob [00:46:36]:
So what did you learn?
Jimmy Purdy [00:46:39]:
How do I even encapsulate that?
Buckaroo Bob [00:46:41]:
You can't.
Jimmy Purdy [00:46:42]:
I can't.
Buckaroo Bob [00:46:42]:
But I wanted to see it in your eyes. I can see it. There's a lot. You're thinking hard.
Jimmy Purdy [00:46:45]:
I mean, there's a lot. Right. There's obviously knowing that we are not way off base, knowing that we all need support and help, no matter how good it sounds like they're on Facebook or how great their Google reviews are or whatever. Whatever you think that shop's going through, they're having the same struggles.
Buckaroo Bob [00:47:03]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:47:04]:
Right. Like, you and I could probably commiserate about the same problems I have. And you've been doing this for probably, what, three decades longer?
Buckaroo Bob [00:47:10]:
Yes, sir.
Jimmy Purdy [00:47:11]:
Much more. Much more of a veteran than I am. And we can probably still relate. So just because you think it's happening to you in your shop does not mean that there's not another shop. Every country going through the same amen. That thing. So that was pretty enlightening. Right.
Jimmy Purdy [00:47:27]:
And knowing that when you get down, you have a conversation like you and I are.
Buckaroo Bob [00:47:31]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:47:32]:
We can really relate. And there's always things we can pick up from each other, and there's always learning to be had. Right.
Buckaroo Bob [00:47:37]:
And that's.
Jimmy Purdy [00:47:38]:
That's one of the big ones was like, wow, this shop. I can't wait to go see their shop. And you see, like, oh, this is nice. And then to have my feedback. And I had no business. Right. I have absolutely no business to be evaluating other shops.
Buckaroo Bob [00:47:50]:
Jimmy Purdy [00:47:51]:
But then there's taking my advice, and they're like, hey, that's a really good idea. Like, oh, I had a good idea. I'm not the stupid kid in class anymore.
Buckaroo Bob [00:47:59]:
I had 35 shops come to my shop and tour my business with a require live.
Jimmy Purdy [00:48:08]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:48:10]:
Jim, I cannot tell you how humbling it was to have people that don't do the amount of business or the kind of business that I do give me advice that I never seen it. You know, I've been in that building and in that on that corner for 37 years. And they come in and say, you, if you did this and did that, it would increase your productivity. Wow.
Jimmy Purdy [00:48:37]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:48:37]:
So if you haven't had the shops come tour your place yet, do it.
Jimmy Purdy [00:48:43]:
Buckaroo Bob [00:48:44]:
You. It's so humbling and it's such a huge blessing to have them share their knowledge with you about your business and how you can improve.
Jimmy Purdy [00:48:55]:
That's so awesome. Yeah.
Buckaroo Bob [00:48:57]:
Yeah. Some serious. That's some real stuff right there. That's from my heart.
Jimmy Purdy [00:49:00]:
Yeah. Well, John, I appreciate you coming in, taking some time this morning to.
Buckaroo Bob [00:49:05]:
Oh, my gosh. What a blessing.
Jimmy Purdy [00:49:06]:
Yeah. Till next time.
Buckaroo Bob [00:49:08]:
Yes, sir.
Jimmy Purdy [00:49:08]:
Thanks, John.
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